Put merchants in trade nodes that feed into your home node. So while those are high-dev-states I’d still keep them as trade companies. You’re normally looking for trade income rather than tax or manpower when you colonize those regions, anyway, and when you get enough power in the node, you earn an extra merchant. There you should also see the ‘green plus’ button to add all available provinces to a trade company. Go to the trade mapmode and click on the West Africa tradenode. How do you make a trading company in eu4? The following is a step-by-step approach to launching your international trading company: Only players are able to buy provinces of AI nations, AI can’t buy provinces and players can’t buy provinces of each other, because they can sell them. You can also increase the population in your colonies (provinces). Trade company is a collection of provinces in a trade company region that give the owner less tax, manpower, and sailors, but more trade power, trade goods (including production income) and naval force limit, than if the owner included them in states.